The financial assistance you give will often mean the difference between these students being able to attend college versus postponing their education or having to work several jobs while in school which takes away from the concentration on their classes. Your contribution will give someone the opportunity to shape their future and possibly make an even greater influence on our community.
This year we are expecting over 200 applications for financial assistance from prospective college bound seniors. Unfortunately we are not able to help all of the young people who we believe would benefit from our education fund, but with your support we can reach more.There are many ways that your organization can contribute to this cause. You have the option of sponsoring your own student by selecting a recipient from the applications we would gladly send you. You also have the option of dedicating a scholarship to someone or grant the scholarship in the honor of someone's name. Of course we will gladly accept general donations to the scholarship fund.We would be grateful for any support that you can generate from your friends, relatives, clients, business associates, etc. that will help us reach as many students as possible. Please let us know if we can send out a representative to do a presentation or just support your efforts regarding this cause in any way.
Our Partnership with Ralph's!
The F&F Education Fund has now partnered with Ralph's Grocery Store to make contributing to this worthy cause even easier without spending any additional money. As students, parents, faculty and community members you can make a contribution that will go right back to your community by registering your Ralph’s Reward Card with the Friedman & Friends Education Fund under participant number 90897. Then every time you shop at Ralph’s and use your rewards card, Ralph’s will donate a percentage of what you spent to the education fund. Please help support this fund which benefits your local high school by registering your Ralph's card here . Your participation is greatly appreciated, if you have any questions regarding the registration process please call Jacqui at (818) 780-2400. Thank you for all of your support.